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ATI Eyefinity, futuro panoramico

ATI Eyefinity e’ una nuova tecnologia da AMD che permettera’ di collegare ad una singola scheda video, fino a 6 monitor.


ATI Eyefinity si troverà alla base delle future GPU ATI di nuova generazione, le Radeon HD serie 5000, e sarà capace di supportare una risoluzione massima teorica di 268 megapixel. AMD afferma che una configurazione costituita da 6 schermi Full HD da 30 pollici fornisce una risoluzione complessiva di 7680 x 3200 pixel, ed è in grado di ricreare una scena così dettagliata da risultare – cornici a parte – quasi indistinguibile da una reale. Sono state anche testate da AMD configurazioni con schede video, con 24 monito collegati.

Le schede adotteranno probabilmente lo standard DisplayPort, data la sua ridotta dimensione, ma ATI non escude che verranno prodotte schede anche con connettori HDMI o DVI

L’ATI sta collaborandocon Samsung per per lo sviluppo di monitor LCD ultrasottili che, grazie all’uso di speciali supporti e cornici di larghezza molto ridotta, si prestino particolarmente bene all’utilizzo in soluzioni multi-display.

ATI Eyefinity accompagnerà sul mercato la futura generazione di GPU Radeon, la serie 5000, che si distinguerà anche per il supporto alle nuove librerie grafiche DirectX 11.

Ian McNaughton, senior manager of advanced marketing di AMD, ha pubblicato un approfondimento sulle novità e le migliorie delle DirectX 11 in questo post.


Immersive, Panoramic Personal Computing

The first model is single-session | single-person | multi-screen. One user surrounded with many displays creating an immersive reality or information environment. One user can enjoy information or visual simulations or real-time experiences, which were previously possible only with high-end workstations or simulators. Commercial or technical applications include simulation, design and analysis; equities trading, graphic design, intelligence analysis, and more. Consumer applications include gaming, advanced productivity, and impressing your friends.

In this video technology demonstration, ATI Eyefinity multi-monitor technology is driving an immersive, panoramic gaming experience. AMD’s Lauren Larose is playing Tom Clancy’s Hawks at an amazing 5760×2400 resolution spanning six monitors employing the Display Port 1.1 interface.

Crowd Computing

The second model is single-session | multi-person | multi-screen. Many users enjoying the experience provided by a single computer with the added benefit of multiple-displays. For example, one user enjoying dual monitor productivity, and a second user or group of users enjoying a movie or game on a third or fourth screen. The central premise of this model is that it is a single session, one person is “driving” the visual environment – one keyboard, one mouse – kind of like a PC experience DJ who can launch applications for many to see. Adding the ability of each screen to have its own I/O and support for a separate user session, you arrive at the third model…


A computer of the future with panoramic 3D gaming, multiple video playback, and access to “cloud-based” resources on the internet on multiple displays.

In prior entries I have employed the term “digital nexus” or “central home computer” to describe the multi-session | multi-person | multi-screen model. This model requires a multi-session operating system, one aware of multiple inputs and multiple users, which can map a separate set of inputs (keyboard, mice, remotes, game controllers) to each user and each screen. Imagine the possibilities of a fully configurable I/O environment where a computer can support many keyboards, mice, and free-motion controllers. Dad can be in the den playing Tom Clancy’s Hawks (against his son) while his daughter is doing homework in her room and mom is managing finances in the office, all on the same, centrally managed PC. You can think of this model as multiple, simultaneous instances of single-session | single-person | single screen.  The central computer would be capable of juggling multiple user sessions, multiple screens, and multiple input / output peripherals throughout the home.

I believe that we are on an inevitable path toward Crowd Computing. Many people, computing together, using many screens in many rooms with uniform and easy access to their user-settings, information, applications and powerful compute resources. The multi-monitor capability provided by ATI Eyefinity is an important piece of the puzzle, a powerful display adapter which can extend the computer to multiple separate displays in multiple positions or nearby locations.

In the meantime, the immersive, panoramic views offered by ATI Eyefinity will impress with panaramic, immersive, multi-screen 3D graphics, video and information. I believe ATI Eyefinity has a bright future. It’s the kind of innovation that encourages re-thinking the potential of a single computer. If you are looking for new directions for the PC, I would keep watch on ATI Eyefinity.

Alessandro Del Rosso
venerdì 11 settembre 2009

AMD si divide su più schermi

Le prossime Radeon della serie 5000 saranno in grado di gestire molti monitor in contemporanea. L’azienda di Sunnyvale vuole cambiare il modo di giocare, lavorare, divertirsi col PC

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